Economic functions


     The residents from the Municipality mainly occupy with agriculture, around 54% of the active residents. The most cultivated crops are tobacco and grain crops.
Even though the main economic function is agriculture, there are no micro-accumulation and water supply systems. As a result of dry periods, agricultural crops contributions are much lowered, i.e. the agriculture in the Municipality has still extended character. We want to develop the agriculture in a way to become intensive agriculture.     


Stock-breeding (sheep-breeding and cattle-breeding)

     Stock-breeding in the Municipality is represented with 24% with 8000 cattle and 20 000 small livestock. In the past, stock-breading was represented much more, but with the migrations village-city, this number of livestock now is almost divided into two.  
At the moment Stock fund is increasing.  The conditions for keeping livestock are very advantageous especially in higher regions. Healthy and not polluted environment is very important for the development of this stock sector.
Not existing of stock market was a great problem for the residents. They haven’t got any place where they should sell their products. Because of this the Municipality made a project and found a location. Together with the non-governmental organization AMPEP, built such object “Stock Market” with donation of Swedish Government in the local place Debreshte. In this local place there was such market in past ages.


Private Sector

     The private sector takes 10%, from which most numerable are grocery shops and some service industry.
In the Municipality there are many economic buildings: agricultural combine, fishponds, chicken-coop, slaughter, refrigerator truck, and stalls for livestock. But they all work with small capacity because of the difficult sale of the products, and complicated economic conditions.